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Federal Poly Ilaro Resumption Date 2024 Announced [UPDATED]

Ilaro Poly Resumption Date: Federal Polytechnic Ilaro (ILAROPOLY)  Resumption Date for Continuation of Academic Activities.

Ilaro Poly Resumption Date

The Academic Board at its 383d Regular Meeting held on 20th December, 2023 reviewed the Academic Calendar for the 2023/2024 Academic Session and approved that lectures should commence from Monday, 22nd January, 2024 for all ND I (Full-Time and Part-Time), and HND I & HND II

All students are to take note of the above information and act accordingly.

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Thanking you in anticipation of your  cooperations.

God bless Nigeria

On behalf of the Governing Council and Management of the Polytechnic, I wish you a safe reopening and a rewarding period of academic activities.

We wish all Ilaro Poly students a happy resumption.

Brought to you by Allschool Team.

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Samuel timileyin

Pls when is ilaro poly resuming this year

Agboola victor

I want to know the exact date for ND refresher 2021

Agboola victor

Nice posts

Adeokun John damilare

I I applied for admission and am not seeing any news ,for post utme/screening date , only what I heard and saw from the Fpi fb group was that ,it was only part-time student that is writing post utme/ screening…so your authority sir I wanna really Know when the post utme/ screening is going to commence…And I will be grateful and delighted if my request/ question is being answered… Thanks

Opemipo oluwabukunmi

Pls when is ND1 screening result will be out for 2020/2021 candidate

Opemipo oluwabukunmi

When is school resuming

Taiwo Joshua

Please I want to know if the screening result for Ilaro is out yet and if not, I would need you to get me informed once it is out.
Also, I have been looking for how i am going to join Ilaro student group as an aspirant for some time now but to no avail. So I don’t know if you can be of help in either,helping me get a link or adding me to the group directly . I would be delighted if my request is been considered. Thank you.

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