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Man Declines Scholarship to China After Girlfriend Threatens Breakup Over Long Distance

A man’s decision to reject a scholarship to study engineering in China due to his girlfriend’s ultimatum, only for the relationship to end three months later, has sparked widespread debate about prioritizing personal goals over relationships.

A man has sparked widespread debate online after revealing he turned down a prestigious scholarship to study engineering in China because his girlfriend at the time vowed to end their relationship due to the distance.

This story gained traction on X (formerly Twitter) when the man shared his experience in a reflective post. According to him, his then-girlfriend’s ultimatum led him to choose a local university instead, only for the relationship to end three months later.

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He wrote, “I rejected a scholarship to study engineering in China 🇨🇳 because my girlfriend at the time told me she’d break up with me because of the distance. So, I chose VUT instead. We broke up three months after rejecting the offer.”

The post quickly went viral, prompting mixed reactions from users who shared their thoughts on his decision:

@134340S79520: “Y’all need to stop putting your dreams on hold for girlfriends and boyfriends. The first red flag was her threatening to dump you if you went overseas. If she really loved you, she would’ve been happy for you.”

@KaraboNtshweng: “How did life work out for you?”

The story has since fueled discussions about the balance between love and personal aspirations, with many advising against sacrificing long-term goals for temporary relationships.

READ ALSO: Man Claims OOU Lecturer Sabotaged His CGPA Over Interest in His Girlfriend


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