ALLSCHOOL JAMB ONLINE LESSON: Prepare for your JAMB Exam smartly and guarantee a high JAMB Score. Hundreds of Our Past Students With Excellent Results are already Studying their Dream Courses. YOU should be next!

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How to do you JAMB Regularization [UPDATED]

This page will show you the updated steps on how to do your JAMB Regularization. The fee for the regularisation is N5,300.

jamb regularization procedure

JAMB Regularization provides opportunity for candidates who have been admitted in their school but the admission is not on JAMB Admission Portal or JAMB Matriculation List.

The regularization is for you if:

  • You have been admitted by your school but your admission is not on jamb portal or matriculation list
  • Your school gave you a course different from the one on JAMB portal.

Whare can you do the jamb regulariation? You can only do the JAMB Regularization in a JAMB office. You canot do it yourself neither can you do it in a jamb cbt center.

How much is jamb regularization? The Fee is Five Thousand Three Hundred Naira (N5,300) including service fee.

Documents Needed for JAMB Regularization

Go with the following documents:

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ALLSCHOOL JAMB ONLINE LESSON: Prepare for your JAMB Exam smartly and guarantee a high JAMB Score. Hundreds of Our Past Students With Excellent Results are already Studying their Dream Courses. YOU should be next!



SMASH THE EXAM: Get familiar with the JAMB Exam Method. Practice JAMB Past Questions in a fun way. Study wisely with the ALLSCHOOL JAMB CBT App Click Here to learn more.


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  • JAMB Registration Print-out (the one showing your choice of institution)
  • JAMB Result Slip (for utme candidates)
  • O’level Result (it must not be the original result)
  • Your School Admission Letter
  • Anything to proof you were actually admitted by the school. If your school released their list in pdf, tell them the page number and serial number your name can be located.

How to Do You JAMB Regularization.

  • Go to JAMB Office and request for the regulariation
  • After registration, take the print out to your school admission office, they will instruct you on what next to do
  • The print out will be forwarded back to jamb office by your school

If you have a question, suggestion or complaint, please use the comment box below to ask us. We will be pleased to answer you.

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What if I made a mistake in one of the A-level grades I included in my indemnity form?


What do I do when I don’t have my jamb printout


Can you do jamb regularisation in any state without going to back to your school?


Is the service available on jamb portal ,so that candidate can do it by themselves .


Late (Retroactive) not among the service on the portal


When so you use jamb regularization?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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