ALLSCHOOL JAMB ONLINE LESSON: Prepare for your JAMB Exam smartly and guarantee a high JAMB Score. Hundreds of Our Past Students With Excellent Results are already Studying their Dream Courses. YOU should be next!

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How to Print JAMB Original Result Online [UPDATED]

JAMB Original Result: How to Check Unified Tertiary Matriculation Board (UTME) Original Result. This is for all years! It will cost you some money before JAMB will give it to you.

JAMB Original Result Sample
JAMB Original Result Sample

This page is for candidates who have written the JAMB Exam and want to check their JAMB Original Result.

The JAMB original result is the result that contains the candidate’s score, passport photograph, choice of institution/course, etc.

UPDATE: The JAMB Original Result for 2024 Candidates is not yet out.

How Much is JAMB Fee:

The official fee for JAMB Original Result is One Thousand, Five Hundred Hundred (N1,500). Bank and Computer Center fees might amount to a total of N3,000, depending on the place.

NOTE: ALLSCHOOL can help you get your JAMB original result within 5 minutes. All you need to do is send N3,000 to our official account (Acnt No: 2035078696, Acnt Name: Allschool, Bank: first bank). After payment, send your depositor’s name and evidence of payment to us on WhatsApp: 0809 378 5476. We’ll take care of the rest for you.

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ALLSCHOOL JAMB ONLINE LESSON: Prepare for your JAMB Exam smartly and guarantee a high JAMB Score. Hundreds of Our Past Students With Excellent Results are already Studying their Dream Courses. YOU should be next!


SMASH THE EXAM: Get familiar with the JAMB Exam Method. Practice JAMB Past Questions in a fun way. Study wisely with the ALLSCHOOL JAMB CBT App Click Here to learn more.


--Content continues below--

How to Print JAMB Original Result.

Follow the steps below to print out the original UTME result on JAMB portal:

  1. Login to your JAMB profile through
  2. Once logged in, you will be taken to a page where you will see all available services.
  3. Click on “Print Result Slip”.
  4. Review the details displayed on the Confirmation Page.
  5. Select your desired payment method and proceed with the payment
  6. After payment, login to jamb portal, click on My Payments you will see it in the menu sidebar. Then click on get status. If your payment is approved, click on CONTINUE.
  7. You will be directed to the result printing page.
  8. You will be asked to provide the following:
    1. Year of Exam and
    2. JAMB Registration Number.
  9. After entering the information correctly, you can now print the Result Slip.

Once more it’s very important to note that the steps above will work since the JAMB Original result is officially out. You should also use a desktop computer or laptop, although it will work on some mobile phones. Finally, we recommend you use a Google Chrome browser.

NOTE: ALLSCHOOL can help you get your JAMB original result within 5 minutes. All you need to do is send N3,000 to our official account (Acnt No: 2035078696, Acnt Name: Allschool, Bank: first bank). After payment, send your depositor’s name and evidence of payment to us on WhatsApp: 0809 378 5476. We’ll take care of the rest for you.

If you still have any questions, feel free to ask us using the comment box below and we will answer you as soon as we can.

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I cannot print my jamb result, please help


Good evening,
My younger brother registered for this year jamb, he went to a cyber cafe to get his utme result slip but they were unable to print it, coz he no longer has the number he used to create the email that was used to register for jamb, and he can’t remember the password to the email. Please what can we do about it?

Sowo Rebecca Opeyemi

I have paid for my jamb results print out but it still panding

Osita Dike

How do i start? Pls


Every thing works until I have to pay, once it tells me to continue to payment it buffers and takes me back to the home page, same when I go to the “my payment” section when I go to check the status of the payment


Good evening
I have made payment on the jamb portal for the printing, but when I tried clicking on it to input my registration number it is not going through, what should I do?

Ade joshua

The process of payment has been done but i can’t access my result due to the space provided for registration number and year is not working.. so what do I do

Abdulrazak Labran

how can i login to jamb portal without Email


Can I print my 2019 original result with just my registration number??


how can i login to jamb portal without using email


Is possible to use my registration sim to print out because I forgot my email address password

Samuel Ariremako

I want to check my Jamb original results on Jamb Portal and after payment, I tried to download but I couldn’t because of network. Now after some hours, I now want to check it, but instead of it to bring the results, it was asking me to pay in order to access. Please what can l do about it

Oluwaseyi Adeyeye

What happens when I’m being redirected to the homepage when I’ve been required to make payment?

Oliver Goodness Chimdinma

I’m a candidate of 2019 JAMB examination who has her results and has kept assessing her profile and recently trying to access my Jamb it is saying I did not sit for the examination what could have been the cause?

How do I rectify it?


Pls my problem is I gave Jamb a wrong email mistakenly so is there anyway my results can be gotten without email


What if I’ve made the payment and the page to print dosent show, what do I do?


Can some one print original jamb result with his/her phone number since he didn’t register with email. If so let me know how to do that

Hafiz Ringim

I have paid the 3000 to you to get my JAMB and sentbty the receipt to your WhatsApp but I have not gotten any response. Intact whatsapp doesn’t wether the message has been delivered


Hello, PIs is Jamb original result released 2024?


I paid the 1661 but the pdf is not opening even after downloading several pdf viewers. Pls, what do i do


I printed my jamb results without changing institution and my old institution is reflecting on my jamb results will that be a problem for me


My email is saying invalid email address or password


I want to make a change on choice of institution but I’ve already printed my results slip with the old institution so if I make the change will it reflect on my result slip?

Emonyon Cynthia

How many times can I print out my original jamb result with my one time payment


Thank you for your efforts. I already paid since last month. It is showing on “my payment” that I have paid but when I click on print result slip, it will ask me to make another payment. What can I do to avoid making payment again please.
Thank you.

Olasupo Azeez Mayowa

I checked for my original results on jamb platform but it says ‘the original result is not yet submitted ‘, pls what should I do


I lost my sms and haven’t being able to check results, i tried using portal, I’ve paid 3 times buh still showing results not available, pls is there any idea on when it’s going to open

Sulaiman umar

My line is registered jamb and I lost it,
I would like to print out my original jamb result? How I do

Last edited 6 months ago by Sulaiman umar

Please is the original jamb result for 2024 out yet and how to print


Please I learnt that jamb has upload original jamb result on july 15 that it can be able to print it out now
It is true


My status is showing Paid(used) i am unable to print out result

Jesse Johbson Bobai

I have not been able to print result slip after making payment. What do i do next


Pls I paid for original jamb result slip and it’s not displaying on my portal what do I do


Please @Allschool when can we be able to check our results on our portal, I haven’t seen mine since, my SIM I used to register was stolen


@Allschool emmm it is possible that jamb will not upload original result on portal
Are we not need original jamb result for 2024 season
If not true please notify me when the result is uploaded

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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