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WAEC Frequently Asked Questions and their Accurate Answers [UPDATED]
WAEC Frequently Asked Questions and their Accurate Answers.
In this Page, Allschool will attempt to provide accurate answers to Frequently Asked WAEC Questions from WAEC Candidates and the entire public at large.
NB: The Answers to questions below were gotten from WAEC Official twitter handle and WAEC Nigeria Official Website. Hence 100% Accurate.
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WAEC Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.
1. What is WAEC?
WAEC is the acronym for West African Examination Council. WAEC was established in 1952. For a more detailed report, please check out the Wikipedia article on WAEC.
2. As a WAEC Candidates am I suppose to pay for WAEC Calculator?
No. Your Registration Fee covers the cost of the calculator.
3. Can I Change my Date of Birth on my WAEC Certificate?
No, you can’t. Please, be informed that WAEC in the five member countries no longer entertain requests for amendment of date of birth on certificates.
4. How Can I get my WAEC Original Result?
For SSCE candidates, you will get the original result from the school you wrote the exam. For GCE candidates, you will get the original result from WAEC Branch office in your state.
5. How Much is WEAE Registration?
The registration fee for both the School & Private Candidates’ Examination is the same: 13,950 Naira.
6. Can I change my Passport after WAEC Registration?
8. Is it true that I Can’t use WAEC Scratch Card to Check my Result?
WAEC have stooped producing producing scratch cards. What is in use presently is e-PIN/Voucher that is printed on paper.
9. I had F9 in my WAEC Result, will it appear in my Original Result?
In WAEC original certificates or Attestation of Results the subjects a candidate had F9s are not captured. To make it simple, WAEC doesn’t record failed course in it’s certificate.
10. Where is WAEC office located?
WAEC headquarters is located in Accra. In Nigeria, WAEC international office is located in Plot 6, Lateef Jakande Road, Agidingbi, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. You can check out the Zonal and Branch offices in Nigeria HERE.
11. When will WAEC result come out?
The West African Examination Council has stated that WAEC results will be released 60 days after the exam. Immediately the results are out, candidates can go online to check their results.
12. How can I collect my Original WAEC certificate?
You can collect your WAEC original result 2 years after the exam was written. Candidates can get the original result at a WAEC zonal or state office.
13. Can I combine WAEC and NECO result for admission?
Yes. WAEC and NECO results can be combined together for admission into any Nigeria Tertiary Institutions that accepts two sittings.
16. Can I request for My WAEC Transcript via Proxy?
Yes you can request for the transcript of your waec result via proxy. This means someone can request your application for you. This is useful if you don’t stay in Nigeria but needs the transcript abroad.
17. Can I use my WAEC result abroad?
Yes, you can. WAEC result can be used to process admission in foreign countries.
18. Do WAEC results expire?
WAEC results do not expire. The results can be used anytime irrespective of the year it was written.
19. Can I retrieve my Lost, Stolen Or Burnt Original WAEC Certificates?
WAEC does not issue duplicate certificates. But WAEC issues a statement of results to owners of lost certificates which can replace the lost certificates. Click here more more details.
20. Why are some WAEC results cancelled ?
A. Results are cancelled when candidates are found guilty of examination malpractice.
21. How can a candidate get errors on his/her WAEC certificates corrected ?
A Private candidate sends his/her request for an amendment to WAEC directly, while in the case of a school candidate it is the principal who makes the request. In the two instances, the original copy of the certificate should be sent along with the application for amendment. WAEC charges a fee for the amendment where it is discovered that the error emanated from the candidate, otherwise, it is free.
22. Why is it that WAEC candidates sometimes have partial release of results ?
Results are partially released due to queries arising from one or a combination of the following mistakes: (a) Wrong transfer of examination numbers in one or more papers; (b) Failure to shade examination numbers; (c) Shading objective sheets with biro pens instead of pencil; (d) Mistakes in entries leading to duplication of subjects.
23. Who are the officials involved in the conduct of WAEC examinations?
There are three categories of officials: supervisors, invigilators and inspectors. Supervisors are teachers nominated by the various State Ministries of Education. They are actually responsible for conducting the exams at the various centres. It is their responsibility to collect question papers from the custodian and return answer scripts to the custodian centres. Invigilators are usually teaching staff nominated by their school principals to assist the supervisors at the centres, while inspectors are WAEC staff members who go from one centre to another when the examination is in progress.
24. Do WAEC officials mark candidates’ scripts ?
No. The marking of scripts is handled by examiners appointed by WAEC. They are usually educationists who are familiar with the classroom situation and their identities are not supposed to be disclosed.
25. Who are these WAEC examiners and how are they appointed ?
WAEC examiners are mostly graduate teachers in secondary schools, and some lecturers in colleges of education, universities and polytechnics. A prospective examiner must be a graduate in the subject he is appointed to mark. In addition, he must have a minimum of two years of classroom teaching experience and must be recommended by the principal of the school in which he teaches.
26. My son wrote GCE 2015 in Lagos and needs to collect his original result from your office but cannot find his exam photo card. What do we do? Does the custody fees applies to him??
ANS: He can request for the retrieval of his photo card at a fee in our office. No, Custody Fee starts counting after 4 years.
27. I wrote my GCE in Ketu. Please I want to collect my original WAEC certificate, how much is it? what are the requirements? please which office am I collect it from?
ANS: Please, go to our Ikorodu Office at Ebute Road, Igbogbo with: One passport Photo card Computer print out of the result N3, 500.00 cash (payable to WAEC) NB: If your certificate have stayed in our office for more than 4years, Custody Fee would apply.
28. My son wrote GCE 2015 in Lagos and needs to collect his original result from your office but cannot find his exam photo card. What do we do? Does the custody fees applies to him?
ANS: He can request for the retrieval of his photo card. Custody Fee applies to only certificates that have stayed in our office for more than 4years.
29. please, I just collected my original waec certificate and the Date of Birth (DOB) is not correct, what do I do please… I wrote the exam in the year 2009.
ANS: Requirements for Amendment of Date of Birth on Certificates Sworn Affidavit; Photocopy of Birth Certificate-(Original must be sighted by a WAEC Staff when submitting your request); Administrative Fee of 10,000 Naira; and A Letter of Application.
30. what are the requirements on ground for me to acquire my original waec certificate
ANS: Requirements for Collection of Certificates by Private Candidates: One passport Photo card Computer print out of the result N3, 500.00 cash (payable to WAEC) NB: If your certificate have stayed in WAEC office for more than 4years, Custody Fee would apply.
31. Pls how many years does it take for waec Original Certificate to be available?… Or is it in months???
ANS: It takes 90 days after the release of results. Kindly note that beginning with WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2019-Second Series, certificates are to be printed on request made online via Please, see the advert below for more information:
WAEC has a variety of website. The website for checking WAEC result is different from the one for doing registrations. Below are some of the domains related to WAEC;
If you still have any other question, please feel free to use the comment box below. Allschool will be pleased to provide an accurate answers to your questions.
Thank you so much for reading. We will appreciate it if you share this with your loved ones.
If an individual is absent for a subject and another subjects practical will their results be cancelled
5 months ago
Sir, I went to collect my original gce result certificate in ikorodu. I paid for collection of result, but they told me to wait a month before I can collect it. Is there any other way I can collect it sooner, I need it asap for university clearance.
Kolade oluwatimileyin
5 months ago
Please can I still use my ssce results of the 7years in 2025
Lukman Sulyman
5 months ago
Is your waec result still valid if you have a subject withheld in your result.
Mercy chuks
7 months ago
I added my middle name to my waec examination and I didn’t add it during registration what is the repercussions
7 months ago
Sir, can wrong state of origin in waec affect my admission
7 months ago
Good day, can weac rectify error in name spelling before the result comes out. Instead of Osabouhien my answer sheet was always written Osabohien
8 months ago
Sir please I mistakenly used my old surname for one of my papers
8 months ago
Sir please I mistakenly used my old surname for one of my papers
Habeebah olanrewaju
8 months ago
The date of birth on my waec certificate is wrong and am already in the university please how can I correct it
Habeebah olanrewaju
8 months ago
Sir pls I wrote my waec gce in 2022 and I just got my certificate and noticed my date of birth is not correct pls can waec still change it for me
Tilda nair
8 months ago
i forgot to reshape my index number and centre number in the waec because the supervisors didn’t say anything,will my result be held?
8 months ago
Please my daughter enrolled for waec and she enrolled for science subjects later in the very day of exam she discover that the subject she enrolled for was not given to her instead of science they gave her art subjects and we are ask to go to waec office please I want to no if it will be possible for them to do meanwhile exam have started already
Agbai divine
11 months ago
Can I write agricultural science in replacement of Crs in WACE
1 year ago
What happened if a WAEC student was uploaded for Cass 1 and wasn’t uploaded for cass 2 can he still be registered?
1 year ago
If I write my GCE 2nd series examination in 2024 will the result be out this year
Nifemi Bada
1 year ago
Can I change my subject combination after registering if yes how and how much will it cost plsss.for instance I want to remove biology and put ict
Mbakwe chioma faith
1 year ago
Which bank can I register waec
Mbakwe chioma faith
1 year ago
Please is waec registeration still going on,if yes please which can I register it
1 year ago
If I registered for GCE/WAEC in a year is it possible that the examination will be prosponed to the following year
1 year ago
I mistakenly wrote on the margin during my waec are marks deducted for that
Last edited 1 year ago by Lily
1 year ago
What will happen if I forget to write my name but I wrote my index number
Rahama Umar
1 year ago
Please it’s urgent, i did my waec capturing in my school, and I didn’t pay the waec fees, can i do my waec in another school? Please reply 🙏🏻
Last edited 1 year ago by Rahama Umar
1 year ago
Good morning sir ,
My school paid for subject from credit to biology I wrote biology in waec but when I saw my result it showed crs absent and no biology was there and I’m a medicine student ,my university is awaiting my biology result what should do ? Please I need help or else my admission will be cancelled. Please help me thanks for reading. Have a good day
Yours faithfully,
Gerald Paul
1 year ago
And sir when shading on our answer booklet what if there a slight of dash outside the box of options giving to us will it affect our result?
Gerald Paul
1 year ago
Hello sir in our answer booklet is it compulsory to reshade all those index,sex something like that because my first encounter with the answer booklet we were never told to do so but I our next paper they told us to reshade hope this won’t mk us to fail
1 year ago
I missed a waec paper due to wrong timetable can I rewrite it
kase tejiri
1 year ago
Can i changer my subject
Aforkeoghene Precious
1 year ago
Can I change from science to social science after registration 2023
1 year ago
Can someone have two WAEC certificates for arts and science?
2 years ago
If I miss two papers does it reflect on my result?
2 years ago
What happens if you don’t reshade index number,paper code and sex on waec objective sheet
3 years ago
Please sir/madam,in my BECE I reshaded my index number but I forgot to reshade the center number and paper code will my objective sheet be rejected by the machine?it is only in one subject.
3 years ago
Sir can I combined waec last year with neco of this year, urgent answer pls
Alih henry ifebuche
3 years ago
I wrote my name Ali Henry ifebuche instead of Alih henry ifebuche will my result be affected is only in two subjects I made that mistake
If an individual is absent for a subject and another subjects practical will their results be cancelled
Sir, I went to collect my original gce result certificate in ikorodu. I paid for collection of result, but they told me to wait a month before I can collect it. Is there any other way I can collect it sooner, I need it asap for university clearance.
Please can I still use my ssce results of the 7years in 2025
Is your waec result still valid if you have a subject withheld in your result.
I added my middle name to my waec examination and I didn’t add it during registration what is the repercussions
Sir, can wrong state of origin in waec affect my admission
Good day, can weac rectify error in name spelling before the result comes out. Instead of Osabouhien my answer sheet was always written Osabohien
Sir please I mistakenly used my old surname for one of my papers
Sir please I mistakenly used my old surname for one of my papers
The date of birth on my waec certificate is wrong and am already in the university please how can I correct it
Sir pls I wrote my waec gce in 2022 and I just got my certificate and noticed my date of birth is not correct pls can waec still change it for me
i forgot to reshape my index number and centre number in the waec because the supervisors didn’t say anything,will my result be held?
Please my daughter enrolled for waec and she enrolled for science subjects later in the very day of exam she discover that the subject she enrolled for was not given to her instead of science they gave her art subjects and we are ask to go to waec office please I want to no if it will be possible for them to do meanwhile exam have started already
Can I write agricultural science in replacement of Crs in WACE
What happened if a WAEC student was uploaded for Cass 1 and wasn’t uploaded for cass 2 can he still be registered?
If I write my GCE 2nd series examination in 2024 will the result be out this year
Can I change my subject combination after registering if yes how and how much will it cost plsss.for instance I want to remove biology and put ict
Which bank can I register waec
Please is waec registeration still going on,if yes please which can I register it
If I registered for GCE/WAEC in a year is it possible that the examination will be prosponed to the following year
I mistakenly wrote on the margin during my waec are marks deducted for that
What will happen if I forget to write my name but I wrote my index number
Please it’s urgent, i did my waec capturing in my school, and I didn’t pay the waec fees, can i do my waec in another school? Please reply 🙏🏻
Good morning sir ,
My school paid for subject from credit to biology I wrote biology in waec but when I saw my result it showed crs absent and no biology was there and I’m a medicine student ,my university is awaiting my biology result what should do ? Please I need help or else my admission will be cancelled. Please help me thanks for reading. Have a good day
Yours faithfully,
And sir when shading on our answer booklet what if there a slight of dash outside the box of options giving to us will it affect our result?
Hello sir in our answer booklet is it compulsory to reshade all those index,sex something like that because my first encounter with the answer booklet we were never told to do so but I our next paper they told us to reshade hope this won’t mk us to fail
I missed a waec paper due to wrong timetable can I rewrite it
Can i changer my subject
Can I change from science to social science after registration 2023
Can someone have two WAEC certificates for arts and science?
If I miss two papers does it reflect on my result?
What happens if you don’t reshade index number,paper code and sex on waec objective sheet
Please sir/madam,in my BECE I reshaded my index number but I forgot to reshade the center number and paper code will my objective sheet be rejected by the machine?it is only in one subject.
Sir can I combined waec last year with neco of this year, urgent answer pls
I wrote my name Ali Henry ifebuche instead of Alih henry ifebuche will my result be affected is only in two subjects I made that mistake