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FUNAI Supplementary Form For Newly Approved Programmes 2023/2024 [UPDATED]

The Alex Ekwueme-Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo (AE-FUNAI) supplementary Post-UTME Form for newly approved Programmes 2023/2024 Session is out. Registration Closes On Friday, 19th January, 2024.

funai supplementary form

This is to inform the general public that registration for Supplementary Post-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (Post-UTME) screening for admission into newly approved Programmes by the National Universities Commission (NUC) for Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, (AE-FUNAI), Ebonyi State for the 2023/2024 academic session shall commence on Friday, 22nd December, 2023 and ends on Friday, 19th January, 2024.

LATEST UPDATE : FUNAI extends supplementary Post-UTME for newly approved Programmes, 2023/2024

This is to inform the general public that registration for Supplementary Post-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (Post-UTME) screening for admission into newly approved Programmes by the National Universities Commission (NUC) for Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, (AE-FUNAI), Ebonyi State for the 2023/2024 academic session has now been extended by one week. Hence the deadline is now 19th January, 2024.

The supplementary admission form can also be called the FUNAI change of course form.

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Candidates Eligible to Apply for FUNAI Concession Form

  • Interested candidates who must have scored 150 and above in the 2023 UTME and who made Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Ebonyi State their first choice institution in their application for admission in the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) are qualified to apply.
  • Candidates must put into consideration their JAMB UTME and O’Level Subject combinations before applying.
  • Candidates must effect change of course on JAMB portal to the advertised programmes they wish to apply for.
  • Candidates must also take into consideration, the programme cut-off mark.

FUNAI Newly Approved Programmes Supplementary Admission

Below is the list of available courses for the 2023/2024 Session:

Faculty of Management Sciences

  • Public Administration

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Nursing Science
  • Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Faculty of Education

  • Computer Science Education
  • Economics Education
  • Technology Education with options in:
    • Mechanical Education
    • Building Technology Education
    • Woodwork Technology Education
    • Electrical and Electronics Education
    • Automobile Technology Education

NOTE: There shall be no Direct Entry admission into any of the newly advertised programmes.


  • Prospective candidates who scored a minimum of 200 marks for Nursing Science, 180 marks for Medical Laboratory Science and 150 marks for other newly approved programmes in the 2023 UTME and did not choose AE-FUNAI as their first choice institution but wish to study in AE-FUNAI are also eligible to apply for PUTME screening. However, such candidates must effect Change of Institution/Course to AE-FUNAI on the JAMB Portal on or before Thursday, 11th January, 2024.
  • Candidates for Nursing Science programme must have obtained their O’level Results at one sitting only.
  • Prospective candidates who may wish to register for the Post-UTME through the AE-FUNAI ICT Centres, should visit the: University CBT Centre at Zone A in the University Campus OR Centre for Educational Services (JUPEB/Pre-Degree School), Aguogboriga Estate, Abakaliki.
  • During registration, candidates are advised to use GSM numbers that are easily accessible to them. This is important for fast and easy communication.
  • Candidates should note that at any point of the screening and admission exercise, if any false information is discovered/noticed, such candidates’ applications would automatically be disqualified.

How to Apply for FUNAI Supplementary Application Form

Interested candidates are required to obtain the application form from the AE-FUNAI supplementary admission portal on payment of the sum of Two Thousand Naira N2,000.00 only being paid for the supplementary admission processing fee.

Please note that candidates are encouraged to visit for additional information on the JAMB UTME and O’Level subject requirements for the advertised programmes


  • Eligible candidates are required to pay a processing fee of N2,000 only.
  • To register, follow the steps outlined below:
  • Visit the University website:, go to ADMISSIONS at the top menu or QUICK LINKS,
  • Click on 2023/2024 Supplementary UTME Admission Screening
  • Click on “Prospective Students”
  • Click on “Click to Apply” under 2023/2024 Supplementary Admission Screening Application
  • Enter your “JAMB Registration Number”
  • Select your payment mode (Generate Remita Retrieval Reference Number)
  • Proceed to any bank for your payment with your Remita number
  • Return to the Application page and enter your “JAMB Registration Number” again
  • Proceed with the completion of the form
  • Submit your application
  • Print out your acknowledgement slip.


  • The screening mode for the 2023/2024 academic session Supplementary PUTME shall be through the process of internal screening of candidates results.
  • There shall not be Supplementary PUTME Computer Based Test (CBT). All candidates are requested to ensure that their O/ Level results are uploaded on JAMB Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS) on or before Thursday, 11th January, 2024.
  • Any Supplementary PUTME application without O’Level results upload on JAMB CAPS will not be processed. 

CLOSING DATE: The application will end on Friday, 19th January, 2024.

For support/enquiries, email [email protected] or call 08109644268, 09121218490 (Call between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm ONLY).

Odisa C. Okeke (Mrs.)

AllSchool Team Pray and wishes you success!!!!

Recommended Articles:

  1. Check Out Trending Schools Gist
  2. List Of Schools Whose Post UTME Forms are on Sale
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  4. 15 Types of Roommates You Will Find in School
  5. 5 Reasons Most Students Are Not Offered Admission Despite High Post-utme Score
  6. Jamb Alternatives: 5 Best Ways To Gain Admission Into A University Without JAMB
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  9. Mistakes Students should never Make in Tertiary Institutions


Thank you so much for reading. We will appreciate it if you share this with your loved ones.

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Pls wen will the supplementary admission list be out for FUNAI


Pls is it only those that registered for the supplementary post utme, that will be admitted in the supplementary admission list??


Pls am trying to register for the supplementary but they re saying that my jamb reg number Is not In the list,pls wat can I do

Tobias scholastica nneoma

Please am trying to register but the are saying for jamb number is not found in the list


Is supplementary for only those who were not given admission through post utme


I have been checking my admission status but they still said not admitted yet what does it mean


Sir please I want Application supplementary form 2022/2023 but if I put my jamb number day will say Application has closed want does it mean


Pls I scored 198 is there any chance for me getting anatomy in funia

Anthony Emechebe

I did not register for the 2021/2022 post utme,can I still sit for the supplementary

Anthony Emechebe

How many percent possible is the supplementary exam for 2021/2022

Anthony Emechebe

I missed the post utme for this year 2021 do I have any chance of getting admission,I mean is the supplementary exam holding and when?

Chinedu oluebube

Am Chinedu oluebube I got 191 (economics)can I get admitted in second batch in funai university?

Last edited 3 years ago by Chinedu oluebube
Ayekeson Esther

Please how possible is it for me to change to funai and also get admission this year with my lady years jamb result

Elekwachi Daniel

I scored 180 to study anatomy and I register for concession form to study biology will I be given admission

Elekwachi Daniel

Have supplementary admission list come out

Okafor Anastasia

Can I be admitted to FUNAI by this time, please answer me

Desmond Nwankwo

Pls when will funai likely release the supplementary admission list. concession form reg. ended yesterday

Desmond Nwankwo

Pls i applied for the concession form . is it necessary to do jamb change of course now

Nnaji Blessing Chinecherem

Can I still get admission even without the supplementary form?
Please I need answer on this


I heard that funai has released another concession form
Is it true?

Arukwe Ruth

Pls,am Ruth by name,I scored 196 in jamb and I put mass communication,is change of course still in process


Is FUNAI still giving admission?

Desmond Nwankwo

Pls when will funai release another admission list

Desmond Nwankwo

Pls will funai still release another admission list am tired of the whole thing nd when will the concession form will be on sale

Odoh Ifeanyi Elijah

Is it true that funia did not sale any concessional form this year

Ogbonna Oluebube

what date will second batch admission be out in AE-FUNAI Ndufu alike ikwo please, i hope my request will be grant because am one of the candidate who partaked in the school


My course was economics on 182 but no admission so I registered for supplimentory form on business education,should I do change of course to business education or should I leave it am wait for the admission first?


Is it online or offline do they used to register the supplementry I registered offline

Ogubuike Vincent

Concession form still on process

Offor winner

wat of law, av they given admission for law jamb aspirant 2020/2021


Please how can I get the form cause the administrative office are close


The administrative are on strick please how can I obtain the form


The administrative are on strick now is there any possible way I can get the form


How can I get the form while you are on strick the office are close


They said that the staff in charge of the supplementary form is on strike what do we do next……
Am confused because they shouldn’t have fixed the date since their office are not functioning now…..

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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