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Mistakes Students should never Make in Universities & Polytechnics

Mistakes Students should never Make in Universities and Polytechnics.

Mistakes Students should never Make in Universities

In this page, we will list out mistakes students hould never make in universities, polytechnics and college of education (COE). They are;

1. NEVER wait till your year 4 or 3 before going for your IT/internship, use every holiday to learn something new and interesting, be it in your field or outside of it.

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2. NEVER graduate knowing only things pertaining to your degree, if you do, you will limit yourself. Expand your horizon, know something about everything there is to know.

3. NEVER read for grades, grades won’t carry you beyond school. Read for knowledge, read to be empowered.

4. NEVER separate yourself from others, Make friends with all sort of people, Regardless of faith, creed, colour and knowledge.

5. NEVER allow a lecturer limit you or your ability. He is where he probably wants to are not yet where you want to be..don’t allow him limit you by his words, grades or outburst.

6. NEVER look down on grades, read to have the A’s, do your best to be among the best. If C is what you can achieve with all your strength achieve it.

7. NEVER substitute religious activity for real relationship with God, participate in fellowship activities but never let it replace your personal interaction with God. Don’t be a zealot or an extremist.

8. NEVER look down on anyone, the poor guy then could be a millionaire after school, the guy who struggled to make third class might come back powerful and rich. No other person has been more recognised in my set (internationally and within Nigeria) than my good friend Olalekan despite graduating with a weak 2:2…No be by what you graduate with o.

9. NEVER take your CGPA or graduating class as the final say on your life. Why should a cream-coloured A4 paper, signed by a Professor, produced by NSMC be a final authority on your life?

10. NEVER think people are going to treat you specially just because you are graduating with a good grade. The world out there is full of people MORE qualified than you. Work out your “salvation”. What saves you is what you can do.

11. NEVER depart from God or godly principle, your life depends on him. In dominus El frustra…Latin..loosely meaning (Without God we labour in vain). You need God on your best days and on your worst days. Never look down on the power of favour or grace


Thank you so much for reading. We will appreciate it if you share this with your loved ones.

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Ojo Seun Righteousness

This is good
Keep up the good work
God bless you

Gilbert Judith

Please wat is subject combination for UNN jupeb entrance exam

Moses Emodiya Angyu


Daniel ezeamaka

Thank you so much
I really learned alot


NO 1, 2 and 10 is very wonderful

Edith Okoro

Please what course can I study in funai with 161 as a science student?,I wanted nursing but my score is low🙏I don’t want to miss it again this year


Please which time your form comeout

Adewale wonderful

I want to study Law at Lasu, my olevel as follows – Math A1 / Eng B3 /Civic C6 /Econ B3/ lit-in Eng C5 /data processing A1/ Bio C4.

Chasumi apollos

Please…..I want to know how to login Nigerian Army university BIU’s portal to apply…coz I’ve been trying it’s not going through

Odofin Michael

Strong 🔥


My neco will be out on September first week and I have my entrance exam on 19 Agust pls will I be able to write the exam please I don’t want to miss it this year

brhoda johnny

just wrote Jamb this year 2023, had no one to direct or guide me, chose UI as first choice, missed out on the post utme. I don’t know … seems am left.. i need someone to detail me pls

Godstime Silas

Thank you so much , am grateful.

Esther Samuel

Thank you very much for this write up.
A lot of young people needs to understand how life truly works…
My pastor (pat M.A Emmanuel) once told told me that some people pass exams but fail in Life.
Sometimes we get so engrossed in the present and we forget we still have a long way to go. But the best part about being in a relationship with God, is that He gives us insight to see beyond our present capacity.
Thank you once again. You are blessed 😊


Really inspiring, I was touched 🌹

Akinbodede David

I Just tried to get the dpt form and it was saying there was no forms available. What do you think I should do

David Mendoase

Thank you very much much Appreciation 🙏

Saba y Philip

Thanks you so much for your write up..more knowledge ijn

Miracle favour

Pls i failed civic education literature can i still study journalism

Akanji Henry Stephen

I really excited for this
post may the Lord Almighty bless you more in Jesus name

Salihu isa

So cute


Pls sir I applied for nursing at AAU and my jamb score is 211 will I be admitted my waec result is very good


Please sir, I want to change my course to English education but I didn’t write literature in jamb combination but I have c4 in wace, please will I be admitted?


i apply for library & info science in ibb with jamb score 205
and when i confirm they said they didn’t av the course though the course is in there courses list,so sir wil i be offered admission

Lois blue

I got 197 in jamb and my first choice was unilorin,and i choosed accounting which is 240 then i gave up,is there any chance of doing change of school for now??and which school precisely

Divine mercy

Pls I score 175 in my jamb and in post utme I scored 189 is there any possibility of getting admission and also is there any possibility of gaining computer science as my course ??????


Can UNIBEN give me Admission at all with jamb score of 250, putme 50 and agg. 56? I initially applied for Nursing.


My date of birth on jamb and post utme is not same, any effect on my chances of adimision?


pls sir if the sim i used for my jamb got lost and i have try all my possible best to retrieve it but it is not retrieving what should i do


Pls av absu released admission list for pharmacy aspirants?


Pls i didn’t write economics in waec and I applied for agric economics and extension wats my fate


Is futminna second batch admission list out


I applied EBSU as second choice and as they didn’t write post UTME this year, how are they going to run their admission this year?

Usman Jamiu olayinka

Good evening please how can pay my clearance fees


Sir my name is victor. I scored 183 in jamb and 38 in delsu post utme. My aggregiate was 42 and am going for medbiochem. But any hope for me to get d admission sih .

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