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Nigerian Woman Becomes First Black Woman to Earn PhD from US University College of Engineering

A Nigerian lady has been celebrated for becoming the first black woman to earn a PhD at the University of Michigan College of Engineering.

A Nigerian lady in the United States identified as Oluwami (Wami) Dosunmu-Ogunbi, born to an immigrant parent of Nigerian descent, celebrated for becoming the first black to earn a PhD degree in U-M Robotics Engineering from the University of Michigan College of Engineering.

Dosunmu-Ogunbi who could not hide her joy for attaining such educational achievement expressed her immense joy and happiness as she narrated during her speech that she faced a lot of challenges that could make anyone give up on their dream.

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Dosunmu-Ogunbi said her motivation and what her pushed her forward to complete her program was the desire to impact the world.

She said she had previously attempted a PhD in 2020, the COVID-19 year, but the journey hit a snag and her ambition stalled for a while.

Relentless and determined to see through her dream of becoming a STEM professional, she undertook the challenge again, and this time she is successful.

She noted that she was inspired to pursue a PhD due to an encounter she had during her childhood with someone who donned a Cute PhD gown

She inquired about what she had to do to wear one in the future, and she was told she needed to earn a PhD in either medicine, law, or engineering.

She shared that she decided against medicine because she detests the sight of blood and could not go for Law as she dislikes the experience of speaking to a large crowd.

This leaves engineering alone out of the options.

READ ALSO: Nigerian Lady Celebrates As She Graduates With Award From US University


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