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Determined Lady Looking for Job Dresses Every Morning Like She’s Employed to Show Her Strong Faith

Cursory: A young unemployed lady has strong faith in getting a job that she is yet to have. In a short video she shared on TikTok, she showed her morning routine and dressed up like someone who has a workplace to report to. Many social media users who reacted to her video commended her faith as some shared their own experiences.

A young lady, @nolo.goddess, who is looking for job has shown people how very strong her faith is in what she wants. In a video clip, the lady shows how she always dresses every morning like someone who is going out for work.

In the morning, she laid her bed before setting out about other activities. She also mopped the floor of her room clean. After that, the lady showed how she dressed for the work she was yet to have.

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During her video, the jobseeker even showed a rejection mail of the work she applied for. Many people who watched the video prayed for and encouraged her.

See video:

See reactions below:

OnkarabetseOnks said: “You will get a job, keep applying and don’t lose faith.”

LeboM said: “That’s called stubborn faith. Your job is close by sis.”

sinhle20 said: “I use to sit in front of my mirror and pretend to drive to work. Little did i know he was listening.”

palesa_leigh said: “Please do not give up, I literally had a breakdown last week because of rejection and just today I have been accepted at 3 different companies.”

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