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Lady Over The Moon as She And Her Husband Gets Sent to Same NYSC Camp

Lady over the moon as she and her husband get posted to the same NYSC camp.

Nigerian lady over the moon as she shares how she and her husband were sent to the same NYSC camp for their youth service.

The couple were fortunate enough to find themselves in the same NYSC orientation camp.

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She and her husband were captured in the video fully dressed in their NYSC uniform as they danced happily.

“POV: You went to Nysc orientation camp with your husband,” the lady captioned.

Netizens who reacted to the video opined that she and her husband had been sent on free vacation.

Watch the video below:

Check out reactions that followed …
effedeborah said: “Na vacation dem go so”

iamdbull commented: “Is it true that dey knack people’s wives in camp?”

am_blaise remarked: “Sending hate from ketu Lagos and you?😏”

tikspage said: “His allowee is their allowee and her allowee is hers alone😂”

oliviamead_beauty penned: “I support his decision. Dem too de knack people wife for camp”

marsh_melow_ wrote: “Would have been me and my man! But they carried me to Ebonyi and sent him to osun! We sha redeployed and met our self in Lagos! They cannot kee our love!!😂”

n_m_e_s_oma said: “Una sure plug no disappoint 😍una two for go east and north😂😂”

official__teewealth commented: “Dear future wifey… me I don serve tey tey, wetin we go do bayii 😒”

READ ALSO: President Tinubu Directs Inclusion Of NOUN Graduates In NYSC Scheme, Law School


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