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FUOTUOKE Academic Calendar 2025 is Out [UPDATED]

Federal University Otuoke (FUOTUOKE) Approved Academic Calendar for the 2024/2025 Session has been released online.

The management of Federal University,  Otuoke (FUOTUOKE), Office of the Directorate of Research and Quality Assurance has released the Academic Calendar for the 2024/2025 academic sessions.

According to the calendar, commencement of lectures for returning students is November 4th while that of new students is November 11th.

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SEE ALSO: FUOTUOKE School Fees Schedule.

FUOTUOKE Academic Calendar.

The full academic calendar for the sessions has been made available below; 

First Semester 2024/2025 Session
1Saturday October 26, 2024Arrival of All Students (24/25 Session)
2Monday October 28, 2024Commencement of Registration of All Students
3Monday November 04, 2024Commencement of Lectures for Returning Students
4Monday November 11, 2024Commencement of Lectures for Fresh Students
5Friday, Dec. 20, ’24 – Saturday, Jan 04. ‘25CHRISTMAS BREAK
6Monday February 03, 2025Revised, End of Payment of School Fees and commencement of late registration
7Monday February 10, 2025Revised, University Orientation for Fresh Students: Faculties and Departments are to decide their respective dates.
8Saturday December 07, 2024*MATRICULATION
9Friday February 28, 2025End of First Semester Lectures, for All Students
10Monday – Friday March 03 – 08, 2025Revision classes
11 Monday March 10, 2025Commencement of First Semester Examination
12Saturday April 05, 2025Conclusion of First Semester Examination
Second Semester 2024/2025 Session
14Tuesday April 22, 2025Arrival of Students
15Wednesday April 23, 2025Commencement of lectures for students
16Thursday May 29, 2025Special Senate for First Semester Results Consideration
17Mon – Friday June 2 -06, 2025Student’s week
18Friday July 11, 2025End of Second Semester Lectures
19Mon -Fri July 14 – 18, 2025Revision week     
20Monday July 21, 2025Commencement of Second Semester Examination
21Saturday August 23, 2025*End of Second Semester Examination
22Thursday September 25, 2025Special Senate for Results Consideration
First SemesterSecond Semester
2313 Weeks of Lectures for both fresh and returning students10 Weeks of Lectures and 1 Week of Revision
244 Weeks of Examination4 Weeks of Examination
2517 weeks for lectures and examination14 weeks for lectures, revision and examination
26Student week (Not Applicable)1 week – “Student’s Week”
275 Weeks for Marking of examination papers and Compilation of Results4 Weeks for Marking of examination papers and Compilation of Results
Total22 Weeks lectures, examination & marking.19 Weeks lectures, revision, examination, students’ week &marking.

All Students are advised to resume in accordance to the Calendar as Lectures are set to begin Immediately.

See also10 Secrets to Making Straight A’s in Higher Institution.

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  8. 10 Secrets to Making Straight A’s in Varsity of Poly
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Please a friend told me I should upload my olevel again which have been uploaded before and is showing on my jamb caps is that the issue that my admission is still showing admission in progress?


Please I do not know the problem my admission showing admission in progress but now is showing not admitted what is the issues

Chidimma ojeri

Please, have they stop giving addmissions

Onakughotor Afokeh Ochuko

Please am confuse they have release resumsion date and Begin of first semester and no admission yet for second bage, for second what are we going to do if they have not yet offer us admission cus time wait for no one
And is it compulsory to start school on January or January 4 of 2020? Please help

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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