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UNIMAID 2nd Semester Exam Date for 2023/2024 Session [UPDATED]

University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) notice on second semester exam date for the 2023/2024 session.

unimaid postgraduate admission list

Senate had at its 316th Meeting held on Thursday 31st October, 2024 deliberated on the commencement date for the Second Semester 2023/2024 Examinations. Senate took into consideration the times lost as a result of the nation-wide strikes and the floods that inundated Maiduguri recently. These events had hampered academic activities as the University campus was inaccessible to both Staff and Students. Senate approved that the Second Semester 2023/2024 Examinations commences on Monday 18th November, 2024.

We wish all our students best of luck in their examinations.

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Thank you.

3. Preparation: We advise all students to focus on their studies and prepare thoroughly for the upcoming examinations.

We wish you the best of luck in your preparations and success in your examinations

All Faculties should ensure the following 

  • Examination Timetable are placed on the faculty notice board two weeks to the commencement 
  • Students continuous assessment should be taken before the exams
  • Copies of the examination timetable should be forwarded to the Directorate of Admissions and Examinations 

Filibus Yamta Mshelia Director, Senate and Academic Matters For: Registrar

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