ALLSCHOOL JAMB ONLINE LESSON: Prepare for your JAMB Exam smartly and guarantee a high JAMB Score. Hundreds of Our Past Students With Excellent Results are already Studying their Dream Courses. YOU should be next!

Sharp Sharp: Gain DIRECT ENTRY Admission into any Nigerian University to STUDY ANY COURSE of your choice. NO JAMB | LOW FEES. Registration is in Progress. Interested? WhatsApp / Call: 0905 990 8384 or CLICK HERE

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Edo State College of Nursing Sciences Preparatory Program for Prospective Students [UPDATED]

Edo State College of Nursing Sciences Preparatory Program for Prospective Students. The form cost N15,000. The closing date is on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025.

This is to inform members of the public that Edo State College of Nursing Sciences is commencing an intensive preparatory classes for prospective students desiring admission into any of its Basic Nursing Programmes (ND, HND, & RN) for the 2025/2026 academic session.



DON'T MISS OUT: Stay Updated with Schools' Latest Updates on WhatsApp. Click Here and Follow our WhatsApp Channel now!

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Please read and send to others. Information is power.

Important Dates to Note…

  • Registration starts: on Wednesday, January 15th, 2025.
  • Registration deadline: Wednesday, February 26th, 2025.
  • Mock exam date: Friday, March 7th, 2025.
  • Mock slip reprinting: Thursday, April 10th, 2025.
  • Examination dates: April 18th-28th, 2025.
  • Result release: Wednesday, April 30th, 2025. Compulsory Novel: “The Life Changer” by Khadija A. Jalli.

Reprint Examination Slip: Thursday, April 10th, 2025.

Please share with our children: the NEW POST UTME SCREENING SYSTEM.

O Level Result:- 40%

Five A1-40%
Five B2-35%
Five B3-30%
Five C4-25%
Five C5-20%
Five C6-15%

UTME Scores-60%
180-189 = 10%
190-199 = 20%
200-209 = 30%
210-219 = 40%
220-229 = 50%
230 & Above = 60%

Please, let our children, siblings, nieces, and nephews, be aware that the era of C’s is over, higher institutions are now in the era of A’s.

A’s isn’t meant for everyone but good for everyone. A is achievable with undiluted concentration, adequate preparation, and determination.

Important Notice:

This may be of interest and assistance to our children. All candidates seeking admission into University through JAMB should take note that the English Language is compulsory for all and is already an automatic part of the subject combinations:

List of JAMB Subject Combinations for All Courses:-

JAMB Subject Combinations for Sciences:

  • Medicine and Surgery:
    Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
  • Agricultural Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Computer Science:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics, and Geography
  • Biochemistry:
    Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
  • Biological Sciences:
    Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics.
  • Physics:
    Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry or Biology.
  • Mathematics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology, and Agricultural Science.
  • Chemistry:
    Use of English, Chemistry, and two Physics, Biology, and Mathematics.
  • Nursing:
    Use of English, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry
  • Food, Science, and Technology:
    Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics / Physics, and Agric Science
  • Pharmacy:
    Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
  • Industrial Chemistry:
    Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics, and any Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science.
  • Fisheries:
    Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science, and any other Science subject.
  • Geology:
    Use of English and any three Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, and Geography.
  • Geography:
    Use of English, Geography, and any two of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Agricultural Science.
  • Surveying and Geoinformatics:
    Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.
  • Statistics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, chemistry, agricultural science, and economics.
  • Building:
    Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.
  • Microbiology:
    Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and either Physics or Mathematics.
  • Botany:
    Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and any other Science subject.
  • Zoology:
    Use of English, Biology, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
  • Pure and Applied Mathematics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology or Agric Science or Chemistry or Geography.
  • Agriculture:
    English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture, and any one of Physics and Mathematics.
  • Agricultural Economics:
    English Language, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science, and Mathematics.
  • Agric-Extension:
    English, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.
  • Agronomy:
    English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture, and Physics or Mathematics.
  • Animal Production and Science:
    Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science, and Physics/Mathematics.
  • Crop Production and Science:
    English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture, and Mathematics or Physics.
  • Soil Science:
    English, Chemistry, Biology, or Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.
  • Veterinary Science:
    English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
  • Forestry:
    Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture, and Physics or Mathematics.
  • Civil Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Chemical Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Computer Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Electrical Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Electronic Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Marine Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Mechanical Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Metallurgical and Materials Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Petroleum and Gas Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Systems Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Structural Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Production and Industrial Engineering:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
  • Architecture:
    English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.
  • Quantity Surveying:
    Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.
  • Urban and Regional Planning:
    English, Mathematics, Geography and Economics, Physics, Chemistry.
  • Estate Management:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject
  • Anatomy:
    English, Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry or Physics.
  • Dentistry:
    Use of English, Chemistry, Biology, and one Science subject.
  • Medical Laboratory Science:
    English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
  • Medical Rehabilitation:
    Use of English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
  • Physiology:
    Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
  • Physiotherapy:
    Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
  • Radiography:
    Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry
  • Veterinary Medicine:
    Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry

JAMB Subject Combinations for Social Sciences:

  • Accountancy:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other Social Science subject
  • Business Administration:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other Social Science subject
  • Public Administration:
    Use of English, Government, Economics, and any other subject
  • Banking and Finance:
    Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science subject, and any other subject
  • Economics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any Government, History, Geography, or Literature in English, French, and CRK/IRK.
  • Demography and Social Statistics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/ Geography, and any other subject.
  • Geography:
    Use of English, Geography, and two other Arts or Social Science subjects
  • Library Science:
    Use of English and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects
  • Mass Communication:
    Use of English and any three from Arts or Social Science subjects.
  • Sociology:
    Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts subjects.
  • Political Science:
    Use of English, Government, or History plus two other Social Science/Arts subjects.
  • Philosophy:
    Use of English, Government, and any other two subjects
  • Psychology:
    Use of English, Any three subjects from Arts or Social Science
  • Religious Studies:
    Use of English Language, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects.
  • Social Works: Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/ Geography, and any other subject
  • Sociology and Anthropology:
    Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts Subjects
  • Industrial Relations:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant subject
  • Human Resources Management:
    Use of English, Economics, Government, and any other relevant subjects.
  • International Relations: Use of English, Economics, Literature- in English and Geography/Government / History.
  • Business Management:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject.
  • Cooperative and Rural Development:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other subject.
  • Tourism:
    English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other subject.
  • Marketing:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant Subject.
  • Insurance:
    English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject.

JAMB Subject Combinations for Arts:

  • Arabic and Islamic Studies:
    Use of English, Arabic, and Two subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences.
  • Christian Religious Studies:
    Use of English, Two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge, and any other subject.
  • Fine and Applied Arts:
    Use of English Language, Fine Art, and two other Arts subjects or Social Science subjects.
  • Theatre Arts:
    Use of English, Lit. in English, and two other relevant subjects.
  • Linguistics:
    English, Two relevant Arts subjects, and any other subject.
  • English and International Studies:
    Use of English, Literature in English, Government or History, or any other Arts subjects.
  • French:
    English, French, and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
  • English Language:
    Use of English, Lit.-in-English, one other Arts subject, and another art or Social Science subject.
  • Hausa:
    English, Hausa, Lit in English, and any of Economics, Government, History, and Arabic.
  • History and International Studies:
    Use of English, History/Government, and any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.
  • Islamic Studies:
    English, Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts subjects.
  • Igbo:
    English, Igbo, and two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
  • Mass Communication:
    Use of English, Any three Arts, and Social Science subjects.
  • Music:
    Use of English, Music, one other Arts subject plus any other subject.
  • Philosophy:
    Use of English, Any three subjects.
  • Religious Studies:
    English, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects.
  • Yoruba:
    Use of English, Yoruba, and two other subjects in Arts or
    Social Sciences.
  • Anthropology:
    Use of English, Any three of History, CRK/IRK,
    Geography, Economics, and Literature in English and French.
  • Criminology and Security Studies:
    English, Economics, Government, and any one of the following: History, Geography, Literature in English,‎ French, IRK, Hausa.
  • Law:
    English, Literature, Economics, and any other Art Subject.
  • Civil Law:
    English Language and Any three Arts or Social Science
  • Islamic / Sharia Law:
    Use of the English Language and Any three Arts or Social
    Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies

This preparatory class is tailored to holistically impact students with the needed knowledge to navigate successfully through the required examinations thereby culminating in excellent performances that guaranteed their admission into EDOCNS or any other tertiary institutions of their choice.

Hurry now…

See flyer below for details 👇👇👇

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