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LASU Submission Of Biodata for Graduating Students 2023/2024
Lagos State University, LASU Notice On Submission Of Bio-data Forms For The Production Of Certificates For The 2023/2024 Graduating Students
This is to notify you that the Examination and Records Division has commenced the production of certificates for graduating students to ensure certificates are available for collection by graduates, immediately after the forthcoming 28th Convocation Ceremony to holds from 3rd April to 10th April 2025.
For ease of certificate production, graduating students are expected to complete the online graduating student’s clearance and thereafter upload their information & white background passport photograph to generate bio-data for the production of their certificates
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Statistics available reveal that several Graduating Students have failed to upload their information as requested in order to generate bio-data for the production of their Certificates.
All graduating students who have not completed their Online Biodata Forms are advised to immediately follow the step-by-step approach highlighted below to facilitate the production of their certificates:
Complete the Graduates’ Bio-Data Form appropriately with correct information
Upload your white background Passport Photograph Note: No eyeglass, No cap
Print out the completed form
Attach a white background Passport Photograph to the Graduates’ Biodata Form
Submit the bio-data form with a copy of student’s academic profile to respective faculty offices on or before close of work on *Friday, 21st February 2025
Faculties are to thereafter collate and forward these to the Examination and Records Division for certificate processing.