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After Three Years of Rejections, Determined Ghanaian Woman Finally Gains Admission to Nursing School

After three years of rejections, Ghanaian woman Nana Akua persevered and finally gained admission to nursing school, proving that determination and resilience lead to success.

A young Ghanaian woman, Nana Akua, has finally been accepted into the Kumasi Nursing and Midwifery Training College after three years of unsuccessful attempts.

Sharing her journey on TikTok, Nana recounted the challenges she faced while pursuing her dream of becoming a nurse. Despite completing her West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WAEC) and applying multiple times for admission, she was rejected on two separate occasions. However, she refused to give up and tried once more—and this time, she was accepted.

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“Three years of buying nursing forms,” Nana wrote, reflecting on her struggles. Despite the setbacks, she remained hopeful and determined.

Now, having completed her first-year exams, she is looking forward to finishing her studies and fulfilling her goal of becoming a professional nurse. She expressed deep gratitude to God for helping her through the journey.

READ ALSO: Determined Nigerian Man Wins PhD Scholarship After Three Years of Rejections


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