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Kwara College of Nursing Ilorin Admission Form 2024/2025 is Out [UPDATED]
Kwara College of Nursing Ilorin Admission Form For 2024/2025 Academic Session is still on sale. The form cost N17,800.00. The cut-off mark is 180. See how to apply and other details below.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into kwara state college of Nursing Ilorin Basic Nursing Admission for 2024/2025 Session.
The aim of the Basic Nursing Programme is to prepare competent polyvalent nursing practitioners who will use problem solving skills in providing safe, acceptable, efficient and affordable health services to meet the health needs of individuals, families and the community at all levels of care.
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The competencies of a nurse who is a graduate of this General Nursing Education Programme include the ability to:
Utilize nursing process in the care of the individual, family and the community.
Assess client/patient through history, taking physical assessment, review of relevant records and listing appropriate actual and potential nursing diagnosis.
Assess community through data gathering and identifying health needs to arrive at Community Diagnosis.
Plan for individual nursing diagnosis/problems and family health needs for the attainment and maintenance of health states.
Assume responsibility and plan for delivery of dependent and interdependent activities.
Implement necessary nursing actions to minimize individual problems through holistic and client/family centred approach in homes, community and healthcare institutions.
Evaluate care through stated objectives to ascertain effectiveness of nursing actions and health activities rendered in homes, community and healthcare institutions.
Develop strategies for Health Education needs of client/patient and families in homes, communities and healthcare institutions.
Assist the client/patient to achieve optimum functioning.
Diagnose and treat simple medical and surgical conditions
Utilize available resources within the home, community and hospital setting to achieve maximum provision of healthcare.
Participate in formulating health planes for the community.
Develop proficiency in presenting and dispensing Family Planning methods and in follow-up of clients
Provide rehabilitative services to individuals and families to enable the client/patient adapt to changing conditions.
Demonstrate assertiveness in management of healthcare for client/patient in the homes, community and healthcare institutions.
Initiate and participate in the development of recording and reporting systems,maintaining, analysis and utilizing the collected data.
Manage essential drugs by evolving an effective monitoring and cost recovery system.
Establish and maintain a two-way referral system.
Assist in budgeting, managing and auditing the accounting system of primary healthcare.
Organise and implement educational programmes for community based workers (CBW) and nursing students.
Ensure work discipline by providing adequate motivation for health workers.
Initiate and carry out research to improve practice and develop new techniques to meet health needs of the people.
Admission Requirements for Kwara College of Nursing
Candidate must scored 180 and above in JAMB.
Candidate must visit JAMB office or JAMB approved CBT Center for change of institution to College of Nursing Sciences Ilorin.
Candidate must have at least five (5) O’ Level Credits to including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology at not more than 2-sittings in WAEC, NECO or NABTEB.
Combination of WAEC&WAEC. WAEC&NECO or NECO&NECO are accepted, NABTEB must be one sitting.
The examination bodies approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council are NECO and WAEC.
How to Apply for Kwara Collge of Nursing Admission
Visit the college Portal ( click on the INSTRUCTION from the menu bar/lists to know the steps. 2. Click on Applicant Form (Ensure that you have active email address and phone number before commencing registration)
Fill the displayed fields (i.e. Surname, First name, other name, E-mail, Jamb Reg. Number and Phone Number.
Click on “Verify and Make Payment”
3.Pay the Application Form Fee of Seventeen Thousand Eight Hundred Naira only (N17,800.00) using your ATM Card details.
Select your ATM card type (e.g. Visa or Master Card);
Enter your Card Number which is the 16digits number on the card;
Expiry Date and the card CVV (the 3 digits on the reverse side of the Card) and lastly enter your card pin number; and Click on Pay.
4.After successful payment, Application Number will be generated then go back to Homepage ( 5.Click on “Applicant Login” and fill the required field and Click on Login Application Number and Surname
6. Fill the display fields on the empty FORM (all fields are necessary i.e. Personal Details, Programme, O’Level Result, Upload Passport, Attestation (Acknowledge)
7. Click on “Print Out” to print your Documents Application Form and Payment Receipt
Note: Schedule of the Entrance Examination has been printed along with the Application Form.
Entrance Examination Date for Kwara College of Nursing: To be announced later.
Entrance Examination is CBT (Computer Base Test)
Kwara College of Nursing Interview Date: To be announced later
please, is anyone else experiencing an issue while applying for this nursing school form on the portal? I am unable to add nursing under jamb subject, also only 2 digits can be added under jamb score making it unable to add the 3 digits jamb score. Please, if anybody else has this issue, leave a comment below. thanks!
3 years ago
Please can I now apply for college of nursing and midwifery ilorin 2021/2022 admission
3 years ago
the network or website is not going anytime we want to apply, we have been trying to register since three days ago, what can we do?
please, is anyone else experiencing an issue while applying for this nursing school form on the portal? I am unable to add nursing under jamb subject, also only 2 digits can be added under jamb score making it unable to add the 3 digits jamb score. Please, if anybody else has this issue, leave a comment below. thanks!
Please can I now apply for college of nursing and midwifery ilorin 2021/2022 admission
the network or website is not going anytime we want to apply, we have been trying to register since three days ago, what can we do?