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The Management of the University of Jos (UNIJOS) has announced the resumption date for 2022/2023 session.
Management of the University of Jos extends a warm welcome to all Students of the University as we begin a New Year and resume for the conclusion of the First Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Session. Management hereby reminds all Students that the First Semester Examinations are scheduled to commence on Monday, 8th January, 2024 as earlier approved by Senate of the University. In order to facilitate a smooth Examination process, all Students are expected to print their Examination Cards from their respective personalized dashboard on the University portal.
These Examination Cards are automatically generated after the payment of the approved school charges and only Students with valid Examination Cards will be allowed into the Examination Halls to participate in the exercise. The list of Students who have paid their school charges and have been cleared will be confirmed at the various Departments, therefore, all Students should obtain and print their Examination Cards before going to the Examination Hall.
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Consequently, the University Administration has approved Thursday, 4th January to Thursday, 11th January, 2024 as the additional period within which all Returning Students are to finalize their registration before they can be allowed to sit for any of their papers while all newly admitted Students are expected to complete their registration on or before Monday, 22nd January, 2024.
Additionally, all fresh Students admitted during the 2022/2023 Academic Session are strongly advised to consult the adjusted Examination Timetable for the updated Examination schedule. All Students should please take note and comply accordingly to ensure a smooth and efficient conduct of the First Semester Examinations.
Members of the University Community are advised to note and comply accordingly.
Signed: Abdullahi Abdullahi Deputy Registrar, Information and Publications
Have security been put in place to those roads that link to the university
How can I get the post utme form
When will the part-time undergraduates will resume?
Please is the post utme form still available for sale??
When will students who applied for uj 2020/2021 section list of admission be out?
Please we there be any registration process for student who did not complete their registration last year
Is it possible for me to get my transcript now since school is yet to resume
please All school,how can it be possible for the registration of fresh student to commence next month while the school are yet to release their list?