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ASCOE Payment Of Certificates Procedure For Undergraduate Programmes

Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare , ASCOE Payment of Certificate Procedure For Undergraduate Programmes.

The Aminu Saleh College of Education, Azare wishes to inform all Graduands and Students of the School of Undergraduate Studies affiliated to the University of Maiduguri that the College has introduced new procedure for the payment and timely collection of Certificates of its Graduands as follows:

  • All Graduands from 2011/2012 to2015/2016 Academic Session are to be informed that their Certificates are ready for collection at the cost of N20,000 only. The College has given a grace period of Six Months effective from 1st July 31 December, 2024 for the collection of all Certificates. Failure to do so will attract late collection charges of. 10,000 only and it will be reviewed upward every year.
  • All Graduands from 2016/2017 to 2021/2022 are requested to make payment of N20,000 at the College Bursary to facilitate printing of their certificates. All payment must be made not later than 31 December, 2024. Failure to pay within the stipulated period will also attract charges for late payment.
  • All Students that graduated in 2023 are also to be informed that their Statement of Result are ready. They are requested to make payments for Certificate before their Statement of Result will be issued to them.

All Graduands and Students of Undergraduate Studies affiliated to the University of Maiduguri are kindly requested to comply with the above directives as the College will not entertain any students complain without any prior notification, please.

Suleiman Shehu

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